Luxembourg Law Firm

Excellence - Commitment - Ambition

Luxembourg Law Firm

Excellence - Commitment - Ambition

Luxembourg Law Firm

Excellence - Commitment - Ambition

Luxembourg Law Firm

Excellence - Commitment - Ambition


Practice Areas

International networks


BONN & SCHMITT is a member of LAW (Lawyers Associated Worldwide). LAW is an international network of approximately 100 independent law firms from three regions, Europe, Africa and Middle East, the Asia Pacific Region and the Americas region. They represent a global resource of more than 4,500 lawyers. This network enables the firm to offer its clients top legal advice on a cross-border basis with trusted lawyers from other jurisdictions.

Bonn & Schmitt is also a member in several “niche” networks, such as Fintech Legal Network or IR Global.

Bonn & Schmitt is furthermore a member of the IBA (International Bar Association), the UIA (Union internationale des Avocats)  and the IFA (International Fiscal Association).


BONN & SCHMITT, S.à r.l.
148, Avenue de la Faïencerie
L-1511 Luxembourg
Adresse postale: BP 522 L-2015 Luxembourg


Our firm is always looking for talented and motivated lawyers. Please send your application with a CV by e-mail to:

All applications will be treated confidentially.